The Tanunda Bowling Club “Night Owls” season has been a great success and lots of fun for all involved. Twenty teams played over 12 weeks with the season ending Tues 7th Feb. The winners for the season were the Ultimate Inappropriate Touchers and runners up were the KOCHatoo’s.
Winners – Ultimate Inappropriate Touchers – Richard Doecke (President), Amy Schulz (Rudall and Rudall Lawyers sponsors rep), Johnny McGann, Saxon Dswonitzky, Declan Robinson, Ash Schulz, Nick Schmidt (Coordinator).
Runners Up – KOCHatoo’s – Leon Deanes, Don Pumpa, Jim Mullan, Jo Oliver, Amy Schulz (Rudall and Rudall Lawyers sponsors rep), Richard Doecke (President), Nick Schmidt (Coordinator) – absent Jenifer Koch.
Winner of the David Franz Larrikins Award was Eden Lowke
Winners of the Wine Glasses on the last night were 'The Bowling Stones' (Julia Smith, Simon Coombs, Micelle Pitman & Damien Geyer)
The President's Award for the season went to 'The Cucumbers aka The Dill Pickles' (Emma, Murphy, Jacob & Amy)
Winners of the Wooden Spoon for the Night Owls season went to 'The Green Keepers" (Shane Manning, Anthony Westbrook, Mike Walsh & Steve Argent) with Nick Schmidt (Night Owls Coordinator) & Richard Doecke (TBC President)
The David Franz Larrikin Award on the 17th January 2023 went to Rolf Binder
Winners on the Hawaiian Night were "The Mob"
Night Owl Winners
Hawaiian Night best dressed Tanya Couzner with Night Owls coordinator Nick Schmidt & Sponsor John Durdin from Seppeltsfield Road Distillers
Hawaiian Night special award winners
David Franz Larrikin Award went to Kyla all the way from NZ
1st Winners for 2023 were Jacob, Danni,Emma & Dylan
Happy Birthday Pauline
Great night for Night Owls
Week 4 Winners were the "Bowled and the Beautiful": Brayden Seidel, Eden Lowke, Dion Dutschke, Olly Mathew with Nick Schmidt (Night Owls Co-ordinator)
Winner of the David Franz Larrikin Award for Week 4 was Noah Eggleton
Week 2 Winners were Kiara, Milky, Shano & Arge with Nick Schmidt (Night Owls Co-ordinator)
Winner of the David Franz Larrikin Award for Week 2 was Peter Koch
Winning Team on Opening Night was the 'Shady Dogs' (Mick Page, Troy Dowd, Jamie Montgomery & Scott Levy) with Nick Schmidt (Night Owls Co-ordinator)
Des Schiller the 1st winner of the David Franz Larrikin Award (Des forgot to score all night – Des has been playing bowls for 40+ years!!)